Shadow Systems CR920 Combat Slide w/ Holosun 407k-GR, Black Barrel, 9mm - BLK

Shadow Systems CR920 Combat Slide w/ Holosun 407k-GR, Black Barrel, 9mm - BLK

Shadow Systems, CR920 Combat, Striker Fired, Semi-automatic Pistol, Sub-Compact, 9mm, 3.4
Shadow Systems, CR920 Combat, Striker Fired, Semi-automatic Pistol, Sub-Compact, 9mm, 3.4
Holosun HE407k-GR
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SKU SS-4006
Manufacturer Part Number SS-4006
Caliber 9mm
UPC Code 810013436105
Color Black

The CR920 is manufactured wholly in the United States using American labor and materials. The veteran-led team at Shadow Systems includes former law enforcement officers, members of the military, and competitive shooters. This diverse background contributes to Shadow Systems' unique design philosophy of building pistols with features based on real-world shooting experience. Every Shadow Systems pistol is designed to be highly reliable and easy to shoot well right out of the box. Internals feature a stainless-steel guide rod and a drop-safe, flat-faced trigger. The trigger has a 4.5-5.0 pound trigger pull and a crisp, tactile reset. The CR920 ships in a zippered pistol rug with two magazines: a 13+1 capacity magazine and a flush 10+1 capacity magazine. The optic cut on the CR920 allows for direct-to-slide mounting of most brands of mini-RDS optics, including the Shield RMS and Holosun 507k. The CR920 has a match-grade, spiral-fluted 3.41-inch black barrel.

Packaged with a Holosun HE407K - Green

Must ship to a U.S. FFL dealer

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