Wilson Combat Ultralight Carry Commander 9mm

Wilson Combat Ultralight Carry Commander 9mm

Wilsom Combat ULC 9mm
Wilsom Combat ULC 9mm
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Manufacturer Part Number ULC-COM-9
Caliber 9mm Luger

The Wilson Combat Ultralight Carry Commander is a light weight, but serious defensive carry handgun. Featuring an aluminum alloy frame that is first hard coat anodized and then finished in Wilson's proprietary Armor-Tuff finish. This pistol is chambered in 9mm with a 4.25" Commander length reverse crown barrel and chamber fluting. The round butt cut on the frame increases comfort while lowering the profile for concealment. The Wilson Combat ULC has just been released and is sure to be coveted by 1911 enthusiasts.

Average customer rating:

1 Most recent customer reviews...

Philip Uhlin

Feb 4, 2019

The Wilson Combat Ulta Light is a fabulous weapon. I am thrilled with my purchase and with Top Gun Supply.Great place to do business.I shall return!
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