Wilson Combat Tactical Elite, Ambi Safety, G10 Grips, 9mm - Black

Wilson Combat Tactical Elite, Ambi Safety, G10 Grips, 9mm - Black

Wilson Combat Tactical Elite, Ambi Safety, G10 Grips, Black
Wilson Combat Tactical Elite, Ambi Safety, G10 Grips, Black
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Caliber 9mm Luger
The Tactical Elite has all the features of a standard CQB as well as a hand fitted, heavy flange cone match grade barrel, softening recoil and increasing follow-up speed. This pistol features black Armor-Tuff, ambidextrous bullet proof thumb safety, complete dehorning, blended Magazine Well, G10 Starburst grips and two 9mm magazines.

Average customer rating:

1 Most recent customer reviews...

Ron Hammond

Nov 27, 2020

Placed the order and it shipped the very next day. Constant follow up for shipment and arrival at the FFL. Doesn’t get better
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