Milt Sparks VM2, H&K P2000SK

Milt Sparks VM2, H&K P2000SK

Milt Sparks VM2, H&K P2000SK
Milt Sparks VM2, H&K P2000SK

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Weight 7.00 oz

Milt Sparks Versa Max 2 for the H&K P2000SK, right hand, black with 1 1/2" belt loops.

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2 Most recent customer reviews...

Franz Holzinger

May 18, 2021

The best and only inside the waist band holster that I found for a H&K P2000 SK. Very sturdy and it won’t collapse at all when the gun is out of the holster. John Correia approved this brand of holster on his YouTube channel Active Self Protection.
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Gary Welch

May 1, 2020

Great holster. So happy I went with the VM2 for my HK 2000sk. Also Topgun is Topnotch. Super quick delivery
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