FN 509C, 9mm, Black - 10RD

FN 509C, 9mm, Black - 10RD

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SKU 66-100816
UPC Code 845737012809
Color Black
Manufacturer Part Number 66-100816
Caliber 9mm Luger
The FN 509 Compact represents the next evolution in personal protection with the performance of a full-sized pistol in a concealable size. With low-profile, snag-free sights, its the right addition for every day carry and the perfect fit for in-the-waist holsters. The pistol is 9mm and striker-fired with 3.7-inch barrel, ships with 10RD magazines and the capability to accept all higher capacity FN 509 magazines. The improved controls aid in manipulation, the improved texturing on the two included backstraps provides better recoil management, and a new flatter faced trigger enhances trigger control with a cleaner break.

Must ship to a U.S. FFL dealer

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