Taylors & Co 1874 Sharps Sporting Rifle - 45-70 - USED

Taylors & Co 1874 Sharps Sporting Rifle - 45-70 - USED

Armi Sport Taylors & Co 1874 Sharps Sporting Rifle - 45-70 - USED
Armi Sport Taylors & Co 1874 Sharps Sporting Rifle - 45-70 - USED
Armi Sport Taylors & Co 1874 Sharps Sporting Rifle - 45-70 - USED
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Taylor's & Co 1874 Sharps Sporting Rifle chambered in 45-70. Case hardened receiver, 32" octagonal barrel, Schnabel forend, walnut stock with Creedmoor rear sight. Excellent condition like new. No Box

Manufacture Armi Sport

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